Friday, August 1, 2014

Home Alone: Old Man Marley

Old Man Marley was an old man, the neighbor of Kevin McCallister and the deuteragonist of the film Home Alone. He was played by the late Roberts Blossom.

In the film, Old Man Marley was subject to rumors. He was called “the South Bend Shovel Slayer”, and was said to have murdered his family back in 1958 by Kevin’s older brother Buzz. He was also said to have kept his victims in his garbage can full of salt, and that the salt was supposed to have turned the dead bodies into mummies.

When Kevin walks outside his house while saying he is not afraid anymore, he encounters Marley, and turns and runs back inside his house, afraid.

Later, Kevin goes to the drug store, gets a toothbrush and asks the clerk about whether or not it was approved by the American Dental Association. Marley then comes in while Kevin is checking his pockets to see if he had brought enough cash to buy the toothbrush. Kevin then looks up, sees Marley and backs away a little before running off while also accidentally taking the toothbrush with him (as he didn’t have time to buy the toothbrush).

When Kevin goes to church, he meets up with Marley again, and learns that he’s actually a nice guy, a Christian, a father and grandfather, and that his salting the sidewalks every night is a job. Kevin also discovers that Marley didn’t murder his family like Buzz claimed, but rather had a fight with them 
 more particularly, his son. Marley tells Kevin that he came to hear his granddaughter sing, and that he can’t come and hear her tonight. When Kevin asked if that meant he had plans, Marley corrected him in saying that he wasn’t welcome  not at the church (as he believes one is always welcome at church), but with his son.

According to Marley, years back, before Kevin and his family moved into the neighborhood, he and his son got into an argument for an unknown reason, and told each other they didn’t care to see each other anymore, causing them to become estranged from each other. Kevin asks Marley to call his son, and Marley says that he’s afraid to because he thinks that his son won’t talk to him. Kevin tells Marley that he used to be afraid of his basement until he turned on the lights, and that Marley should call his son, and whether or not the son talks to him, Marley will know and he won’t be afraid. Kevin tells Marley that he should also do it for his granddaughter, who probably misses him and the presents. Marley tells Kevin that he sent his granddaughter a check for Christmas, and Kevin tells him he wished his grandparents did that, but they usually send him clothes.

Later, when the Wet Bandits trap Kevin at the Murphys’ house, Marley sneaks in and saves him by knocking the burglars out with his shovel before taking Kevin back home. 

At the end of the movie, Kevin walks over to the window, and sees that Marley has taken his advice and reunited with his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Marley sees Kevin and waves to him, grinning, as a sign of thanking him. Kevin waves back, also smiling. Then Marley turns and goes to his house with his family.

Full House: Is It True about Stephanie

Stephanie’s classmate Jamie, who plays guitar with some friends in a band called Human Pudding, asks Steph to go on a date with him to The Smash Club, and Stephanie excitedly agrees. Stephanie’s rival, Gia Mahan, is not exactly as excited about it as Stephanie is. It turns out that Gia likes Jamie too, and she is not about to let Stephanie have him that easily. 

Gia comes over to the house and warns Stephanie to break the date, or she will make her life miserable. However, Steph stands her ground, and refuses to break the date. Little does Stephanie know how dirty Gia is willing to play to get him. 

On the next day, in order to make Jamie cancel his date with Stephanie, Gia spreads a false rumor at school that Stephanie wouldn’t get any dates unless she paid guys to date her, and even put a sign with the words “Date Stephanie, earn big bucks” on Stephanie’s locker.

Jamie, who has been getting ragged on because of the rumor, asks Stephanie who started it, and she says, “Gia. She said if we didn’t call off our date, she’d make my life miserable.” Jamie thinks that maybe it is a good idea to break the date, because he does not want to get ragged on anymore. Stephanie is hurt by that.

The next day, with the help of her friend Mickey, Stephanie gets even with Gia by hanging up a blow-up of Gia’s failing report card in the hallway. Jamie apologizes to Stephanie for the events of the previous day, and tells her that he is not about to let Gia run his life. Jamie says that if it is okay with Stephanie, the date can be back on, and she likes that. Stephanie shows him what she did to Gia, and Jamie says that she had it coming. Gia comes in and sees what happened, and, after angrily yanking the blow-up off the wall, goes straight to her locker. Stephanie walks up to Gia, who has her face buried in her locker, and says, “So, Gia, I guess we’re even”. Gia turns around, and Stephanie sees the tears on her face.

Stephanie then feels guilty. At The Smash Club that night, after a talk with Jesse about the situation, Stephanie sees Gia. Stephanie and Gia talk, and they finally become friends (while also learning that seeking revenge isn’t very sweet at all). Gia then tells Stephanie that she can have Jamie, as Gia now has eyes for the drummer of Human Pudding.

Meanwhile, Danny is having problems adjusting to life without Vicky, and it is pretty much affecting the whole household.