Friday, July 10, 2015

Full House: Beach Boy Bingo

D.J. ends up winning two free tickets to a Beach Boys concert in a radio contest, but then has to make a decision consisting of who she brings with her. She wishes she could take her family with her, but, according to the rules of the contest, she is allowed to bring only one guest. 

Naturally, her dad Danny assumes that he will be D.J.’s choice, since he also likes the Beach Boys. But, much to Danny’s dismay, she selects Jesse instead, although she changes her mind later and tells Danny to go with Jesse (although Jesse changes his mind after a talk with Danny, and tells her to go with her father). 

Danny says that D.J. is going to the concert. However, D.J. corrects him, saying that she isn’t going, since she feels it isn’t worth hurting someone else’s feelings.

“This concert was supposed to be fun. Now everybody’s either hurt or disappointed. It’s just not worth it. I’m not going.”

In the end, however, everybody is satisfied, thanks to some surprise visitors at the Tanner household.

Full House: D.J.’s Very First Horse

Wake Up, San Francisco is broadcasting an episode from a horse stable, where D.J. meets a horse named Rocket. She desperately wants a pet, and thinks that he will fit the bill. However, the only way that she will get him is if she has enough money to make the payments needed ($100) every two weeks, so she and her best friend Kimmy pool their money together in order to start making Rocket’s stable payments, without Danny knowing it. D.J. thinks he will not let her have Rocket unless she proves to him that she can handle the responsibility that comes with owning a pet. Her plan consists of secretly keeping up the payments for a couple of weeks, and then telling Danny about Rocket, as she figures that two weeks is enough to prove to Danny that she can handle the responsibility so he will not refuse.

When Kimmy blows her half of the money on shopping at the mall, D.J. cannot make the next stable payment. So, in a desperate effort to make sure she does not lose Rocket, she takes him to the house with her. Danny is shocked when he comes home and sees Rocket in the house. He tells D.J. to take him back to the stable. While there, D.J. bids him farewell, thinking that she will lose him. However, what she is delighted to discover is that Becky has decided to become Rocket’s new owner and make the stable payments, because she misses the times when she and her family had horses in Nebraska. Danny agrees to let D.J. help Becky take care of Rocket.

Kimmy: Well, I asked my mom about the horse.

D.J.: What did she say?
Kimmy: She said, ‘Kimberly Louise Gibbler, have you lost your mind?’ I didn’t really have an answer for that.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Full House: El Problema Grande de D.J.

D.J. has good grades throughout her report card, except for in Spanish class, where she was given a ‘D’ (while Kimmy had gotten a ‘C’). Danny decides to talk to her Spanish teacher, Senorita Linda Mosley, about the grade, and D.J. thanks him for that.

When Linda comes over to the house to have a private discussion with Danny about it, it starts as a simple parent-teacher conference (with Linda showing Danny some colored flash cards with Spanish words on them, such as “el sofa” for sofa and “perro” for dog, respectively). It soon ends with an unexpected burst of passion as the smitten Senorita Mosley plants a kiss on a very welcoming Danny while trying to show him how to roll the double R in Spanish (after telling him the importance of the letter ‘R’ in the Spanish language). When she apologizes, Danny tells her it felt nice and Linda feels better. So they kiss a second time; however, the second kiss is ill-timed because that is when D.J. and some of her friends walk through the kitchen door and into the living room, and they take notice of it. Much to D.J.’s utter mortification, the kiss is an event that the whole school is soon buzzing about.

D.J. soon becomes a target for highly unwelcomed teasing, and she is absolutely furious at her dad for making her a target for teasing (and for not getting her Spanish grade changed).

Danny apologizes to D.J. for making her a target for teasing, and then eventually gets her to admit that the more difficult the Spanish class became, the more she just gave up on it, because she thinks she is no good at it. However, Danny manages to encourage his oldest daughter that he will be proud of her for trying as hard as she can, especially in something she finds to be hard to do, and D.J. thanks him.

Meanwhile, Mr. Malatesta gives Michelle a spot in a marshmallow commercial that Joey and Jesse have been assigned to work on. Joey and Jesse groom Michelle to star in the commercial. She is to sit on a cloud, eat a marshmallow and exclaim “yummy in the tummy”. However, she overpractices by eating too many marshmallows before the actual filming, and as a result, Michelle is full when the camera starts rolling.

Also, Stephanie has gotten a good report card, but her teacher writes that she needs to control her being talkative in class. When Danny makes the mistake of telling her she has to “stop being such a chatterbox”, she takes his words to heart and stops speaking for about three days — which makes Danny feel a little regretful.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Full House: Tanner’s Island

Danny takes the Tanners and his co-host Rebecca Donaldson to Hawaii in honor of their two-year anniversary since becoming a family. Once there, however, Danny takes charge, being his usual controlling self, and marks all the families’ activities together on what he calls a “Clipboard of Fun”.

Among the various activities they do, he and the family decide to take an off-site trip to the Hawaiian island of Pua for a picnic and a Polynesian show. They stop for a rest on a (seemingly) deserted island. However, Danny realizes he did not tie up the boat correctly, which means that (for now) the family is stranded. Meanwhile, Joey thinks he is seeing an attractive hula girl, and Jesse and Rebecca have an argument about Elvis Presley (Jesse’s music idol), until they get over it in the end.

Thanks to a speech from D.J. after she gets their attention using a shell as a horn, the adults set aside their differences, and the family builds a hut to stay in until they are found. That evening, Hawaiian inhabitants of the island find the gang and escort them to the Polynesian show on the other side of the island. It turns out that they really were on Pua, just the wrong side of it.

They end up dancing with everyone on the show. Joey, in fact, actually sees the hula girl he’d been imagining all day, and they both decide to dance together. At the end, Rebecca speaks with one of the musicians, and they’ve decided to play “Rock-a-Hula” by Elvis Presley, with Jesse singing lead.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Full House: Tanner vs. Gibbler

To celebrate Kimmy’s 12th birthday, D.J. plans a special party at the house with some of their closest friends.

When Stephanie slips up and mentions the surprise birthday party to Kimmy, Kimmy decides to bring her new karate class friends, Melissa and Nina, two older girls in junior high, to the party with her.

Upon arriving, however, all that the two girls want to do is invite a bunch of friends over to trash the house, so when D.J. kicks them out for even thinking about trashing the house, Kimmy decides to abandon the party and go to the mall with them. This begins a feud between the two girls. With help from Jesse and Joey, D.J. and Kimmy end their feud, as Kimmy realizes that D.J. refuses to let her forget who her real friends are.

Meanwhile, Danny panics when he finds out that he’s been removed from his job as a sportscaster at the TV station. Luckily for him, it turns out that the station has created a new local morning show titled Wake Up, San Francisco, and they need two people to host the new show. Danny is named as one of the hosts, while his co-host for the new show is Rebecca Donaldson, who had moved to San Francisco from her hometown of Valentine, Nebraska many years ago, after coming off her two-year success in A.M. Omaha.


D.J.: I’m D.J. I’m glad you could make it.

Nina: We wouldn’t miss a party for our new pal Kammy.
D.J.: Her name’s Kimmy.
Kimmy: D.J., they wear lipstick. They can call me whatever they want.