Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lizzie, Gordo and Michael: A Correspondence

Sitting at a table in the cafeteria of Hillridge High School, Lizzie McGuire, fifteen, was writing a note to her favorite pop star, Michael Jackson. Ever since she had first heard his music by borrowing the album Thriller from her friend David ‘Gordo’ Gordon one summer day, she had taken a liking to the King of Pop (as Michael was often known to be called) as well as his music.

Dear Michael,

Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be famous myself. However, I agree with you when you say that you know how the press is, and how people can, as you once said in an interview for 60 Minutes, “twist the truth”. I hope you are doing fine. I know I certainly am. But, after all, being a student in high school (like me) or a pop star (like you) is not always easy. Sometimes it takes a lot of hard work. But being busy as a bee can be really neat most of the time. Good luck on your next creative project. :)


Lizzie McGuire

After looking over her letter, Lizzie was pleased that there weren’t any mistakes at all. It looked fine.

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