Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Foundation for a Better Life

The Foundation for a Better Life is, without a doubt, the neatest thing I've ever heard of. And it's also pretty inspiring too. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Thoughts on the BtVS Fic Wanna See A Trick

Here are my thoughts on the BtVS fanfic “Wanna See A Trick?” that I found on FanFiction.Net: 
Neat! :) Very awesome, as well as very well-written, too. I like this so far - especially this part:
She left town after the next day, determined to make it in the big city. Become an actress, or singer or some other famous being. She had watched E True Hollywood Story, most had similar back stories to hers. Why couldn’t she be a big shot? Simple, she didn’t have money for anything. She walked one day into an agency, announcing herself as the next big thing to the secretary who asked for her headshot and then promptly and primly asked her to leave. She had nowhere to go, home wasn’t an option and LA seemed to offer no alternative. She started small, rubbing or sucking those who paid to orgasm. After a while a frequent customer wanted more. She sold her virginity for two hundred and seventy five dollars and with the cash bought herself her first silk shirt which was later ripped in half by a drunk client. So here she was barely eighteen and stuck in the ritual of sucking, touching, fisting, rubbing and f***ing for as much money as she could get.
Plus, I like these kinds of stories too - the AU kind where everyone is human, Buffy is either a businesswoman, a prostitute, a gold digger or an exotic dancer (since those are realistic and are in real life), Angel is someone with a job, and Slayers and the Hellmouth don’t exist. In my mind, that’s pretty neat, as well as very cool, too. :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Thoughts on Uncle Buck

He’s crude, and he’s crass. But he’s family.
That says it all for me.

This is a great movie, and I especially like the part with Miles and Buck sitting at the table, and Miles asks him questions about his life on the basis that “I’m a kid. That’s my job”. And I applaud the great performance of the late John Candy as Buck Russell. He made this film what it was, and I am deeply saddened by his death. He will be missed terribly.

Uncle Buck is a film that will live on for ages, and the performances are terrific, especially Macaulay Culkin’s as Miles Russell. (This was before Home Alone in 1990 when he became famous as Kevin McCallister overnight.)

I like John Candy, and he did a great job as the title character in this film. He taught us all to appreciate life, live it well, and laugh often every day. That was his philosophy about life, too. Plus, his character Buck learns what it means to be a family man and to raise kids too.
I especially like how Miles and Maizy (played by Gaby Hoffmann) are able to warm up to Buck so easily, too; it’s so heartwarming. And I love how Buck and Tia sparred verbally with each other before they finally warmed up to each other, and Tia apologizes to him for being so spiteful to him.

BtVS: Normal Again

For some, the BtVS Season 6 episode Normal Again is not exactly their cup of tea, while others who are fans of the show take a liking to it  mostly because they see it as inspiring, especially to fanfiction writers. For me, that episode is very well-written, and really gets my creative fires going every time I see it.

Joyce: Buffy, fight it. You’re too good to give in. You can beat this thing. Be strong, baby, OK? I know you’re afraid. I know the world feels like a hard place sometimes, but you’ve got people who love you. (tearful) Your dad and I, we have all the faith in the world in you. We’ll always be with you. You’ve got a world of strength in your heart. I know you do. You just have to find it again. (whispering) Believe in yourself. (Buffy sniffles, looks determined, and slowly turns her head to look Joyce in the eye.)
Buffy: You’re right. (sad smile) Thank you. (tearful) Good-bye.

I also like that episode because of Joyce’s speech to Buffy when she’s in the asylum, telling her that she has a world of strength in her heart and that she has to find it again, as well as to “believe in herself”. Of course, that speech, specifically and especially the last three words, has the complete opposite of the effect Joyce intended for it to have on Buffy. Rather than finish what she had started by simply sitting back and watching the demon kill her friends and her sister Dawn, Buffy simply took Joyce’s advice of “believe in yourself” literally, thanked her mother and said goodbye to her forever before finally snapping out of the spell, dispatching the demon and reconciling with her friends and Dawn, telling them, “I’m so sorry”.