Sunday, March 9, 2014

BtVS: Normal Again

For some, the BtVS Season 6 episode Normal Again is not exactly their cup of tea, while others who are fans of the show take a liking to it  mostly because they see it as inspiring, especially to fanfiction writers. For me, that episode is very well-written, and really gets my creative fires going every time I see it.

Joyce: Buffy, fight it. You’re too good to give in. You can beat this thing. Be strong, baby, OK? I know you’re afraid. I know the world feels like a hard place sometimes, but you’ve got people who love you. (tearful) Your dad and I, we have all the faith in the world in you. We’ll always be with you. You’ve got a world of strength in your heart. I know you do. You just have to find it again. (whispering) Believe in yourself. (Buffy sniffles, looks determined, and slowly turns her head to look Joyce in the eye.)
Buffy: You’re right. (sad smile) Thank you. (tearful) Good-bye.

I also like that episode because of Joyce’s speech to Buffy when she’s in the asylum, telling her that she has a world of strength in her heart and that she has to find it again, as well as to “believe in herself”. Of course, that speech, specifically and especially the last three words, has the complete opposite of the effect Joyce intended for it to have on Buffy. Rather than finish what she had started by simply sitting back and watching the demon kill her friends and her sister Dawn, Buffy simply took Joyce’s advice of “believe in yourself” literally, thanked her mother and said goodbye to her forever before finally snapping out of the spell, dispatching the demon and reconciling with her friends and Dawn, telling them, “I’m so sorry”.

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