Friday, January 23, 2015

Bobby Keller in Dream a Little Dream

“I’ll be by. Don’t fall asleep.”

Wow. Bobby Keller is definitely one good-looking guy. I wish he had the ability to to sweet-talk the villainesses (or femme fatales) into a trance-like state with just a few compliments that are both well thought-out and delivered in a sultry manner, kind of like Vicki Vale in the 1989 film Batman when she spoke to the Joker in Gotham Cathedral.

In my mind, that could be a great and very useful ability for him to have. ;) I also wish Bobby was a vampire in Dream a Little Dream. However, he would definitely be one of the good ones, though. He could take on Dumas, the school bully, and drain him dry of his blood. That could be so cool!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Millennium Rod

The Millennium Rod’s unique ability grants the holder the power to control people’s minds, turning them into the owner’s mind slaves. By extension, it is also capable of mind manipulation, which allows the owner to telepathically communicate with others, look into their memories, trick their minds into believing what the Rod’s owner wants them to, knock people unconscious and leave a portion of the owner’s mind in the people that he has controlled (like what happened with Bakura and Tea).

Its mind control power has no effect on someone who bears a Millennium Item (like Ishizu Ishtar before she gave her Millennium Necklace to Yugi) or has a unique connection to the ancient Shadow Games (like Yugi Moto, Yami Bakura or Seto Kaiba), or a person whose will is strong.

Like the other Millennium Items, its power over the Shadow Games allows it to materialize and command Duel Monsters and their effects, and cast a Penalty Game against the loser. Marik’s Shadow Games created through this item have been the most brutal and damaging, from memory destruction (like with Mai and the pyramid-shaped hourglass with memory-sapping sand) to inducing pain.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Batman: Religious Symbolism

At the climax of the 1989 film Batman, Vicki Vale (Kim Basinger) wears a white dress, jacket and shoes. By the end of the scene, she’s lost the jacket and the shoes, and the dress is noticeably dirtied. Coincidence? Probably.

The white dress also makes sense if you interpret the climactic cathedral scene from a religious perspective. In the dress, Vicki looks a lot like a bride — an association that is only strengthened when the Joker tells her, “I’ve got to get you to the church on time.”

Some sects of Christianity refer to the human race as the “Bride of Christ.”

Could Vicki Vale represent all of us, and are Batman and the Joker fighting for her soul? Almost certainly, if you take into account the excellent Prince song, “Dance With the Devil”, that was (unfortunately) cut from one of the movie’s two soundtracks (“Dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight… He wants your soul and he wants it tonight”).