Friday, January 23, 2015

Bobby Keller in Dream a Little Dream

“I’ll be by. Don’t fall asleep.”

Wow. Bobby Keller is definitely one good-looking guy. I wish he had the ability to to sweet-talk the villainesses (or femme fatales) into a trance-like state with just a few compliments that are both well thought-out and delivered in a sultry manner, kind of like Vicki Vale in the 1989 film Batman when she spoke to the Joker in Gotham Cathedral.

In my mind, that could be a great and very useful ability for him to have. ;) I also wish Bobby was a vampire in Dream a Little Dream. However, he would definitely be one of the good ones, though. He could take on Dumas, the school bully, and drain him dry of his blood. That could be so cool!

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