Friday, May 31, 2013

The Man of the House Goes Shopping

In this scene from the 1990 smash hit movie Home Alone, Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) goes shopping for groceries just as a grownup would do. In the DVD chapter “The Man of the House Goes Shopping” (which I think is an excellent title), Kevin picked up some milk, eggs and (in a deleted scene that can be viewed on the Home Alone Family Fun Edition DVD) fabric softener. :)

In my mind, when Kevin went shopping for groceries, he showed that he was learning to be independent, as well as showing that he could stand on his own, especially when it came to setting the traps for the Wet Bandits later on, too.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Quote from Matilda

“Everyone is born, but not everyone is born the same. Some will grow to be butchers, or bakers, or candlestick makers. Some will only be really good at making Jell-O salad. One way or another, though, every human being is unique, for better or for worse.”

I cannot agree more there with those words. After all, it is true that not everyone is born the same. Everyone is different. And, it is also true that if everyone were the same, then that would be pretty boring...

Also, I think that this photo right here says that Matilda (Mara Wilson) is definitely enjoying the cream tart that neatly landed on her plate. Pretty awesome for a movie, too. :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Full House: Five’s a Crowd

Most fathers cringe when their daughters start dating, but Danny is especially shocked by D.J.’s new love interest Pete — a grungy guitar player who is known for getting his way with the ladies. On the night of their first date, Danny, Joey, and Jesse are all dressed up to attend a special awards ceremony, but plans are changed when the guys learn of D.J.’s frightening whereabouts. Meanwhile, Kimmy is hired by Jesse and Becky to babysit the twins, but she’s not the one doing the majority of the work.

Jesse’s recording studio is used by “The Funky Tongues”, the hottest band in D.J.’s school. Jesse, Rebecca, Danny and Joey then start preparing to go to a local awards ceremony where “Wake Up, San Francisco” and “Ranger Joe” have been nominated. Danny is bothered by the fact that “Wake Up, San Francisco” gets beat almost every year by “Up and at ‘em, Oakland”.

“I don’t know what people see in that show,” he says to Becky.

“Cheerleaders wrestling in a syrup pit?” Becky replies.

D.J. has a date, so Stephanie and Kimmy will baby-sit Michelle and the twins. D.J.’s date shows up, and it’s Pete, the lead singer of “The Funky Tongues”. Pete takes D.J. to a drive-in movie theater. Danny is surprised when Jesse tells him that Pete is exactly like Jesse was at Pete’s age — girl crazy. Danny is even more surprised when Kimmy tells him that Pete has never heard the word “no”. Danny, Jesse, and Joey send Becky to the awards ceremony with Joey’s puppet, Mr. Woodchuck. Then they go to the drive-in and intrude on D.J.’s date, absolutely humiliating D.J., who is furious.

The guys take D.J. home, where D.J. blasts the guys by accusing them of overreacting and not trusting her judgement. The guys apologize for overreacting, and D.J. apologizes for neglecting to tell them she was going to a drive-in movie theater instead of a regular indoor movie theater. D.J. neglected to tell them because she knew that they would overreact and humiliate her, and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. The guys don’t want to stop D.J. from dating, so they promise that they will never again act like a bunch of commandos whenever D.J. goes out on a date. At the awards ceremony, Joey and the “Ranger Joe” show won an award for best children’s programming. However, “Wake Up, San Francisco” still lost, but hopefully not to “Up and at ‘em, Oakland”.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pollution PSAs

In my mind, I think that Iron Eyes Cody, the Italian actor who played the crying Indian in the Keep America Beautiful PSAs for educating people about pollution, did an awesome job. He will be missed... dearly...

"in stinky waters
a Native Italian
one tear on his cheek"

I think that sums it up pretty well. And also, I agree with this phrase:

People start pollution. People can stop it.

I hope these videos will open up someone's eyes and make them think twice before deciding to pollute the Earth...

Full House: Yours, Mine and Ours

DJ: (thinking) Oh, I hope that my friends better not see me here with my family. If they do, I’ll never live it down.

Your face is turning bright red. You want to hide yourself in shame. You’ve just done something totally embarrassing (or maybe it’s your mom, dad or younger/older sibling who have done that), and it feels like everyone is staring at you and giggling. Maybe everyone is staring at you and giggling. Hey, it happens to everybody.

Let’s face it. Teens can be embarrassed by their parents. DJ Tanner experiences this in the Season 5 episode Yours, Mine and Ours when she’s in a pirate-themed restaurant with father Danny, his best friend Joey, and her sisters Stephanie and Michelle.

Danny arrives home from work, and notices that the girls are in a bad mood because they haven’t had a good day. Neither has Joey, who would rather forget that day’s “Ranger Joe” episode. Danny suggests that they take a little time off from this stress and go out as a family for what he refers to as “Tanner Family Fun Night”. Jesse and Rebecca stay at home with Nicky and Alex. Danny takes Joey and the girls to a pirate-themed seafood restaurant. When they get there, D.J. is afraid she’ll be embarrassed in front of her classmate Shelly Phillips, who is also at the restaurant, and Joey and the girls seem to get a little more bitter, but they finally lighten up and have fun when, because of not eating a thing, they are forced to “walk the plank” — right into a pit full of balls, that is.
Meanwhile, at home, Jesse and Rebecca are having a disagreement as to how Nicky and Alex should be raised, and complicating things is the fact that Alex is sick and has a fever for the first time in his life. Luckily, however, they talk things out and apologize to each other after working together to help Alex get better.

This is a really neat episode, as well as very inspiring, too. I like it, mostly because being embarrassed is one of the themes of the episode. And embarrassment is very realistic, as it is found quite often in real life.

Full House: Our Very First Christmas Show

The family is on a flight to Colorado to spend Christmas with some relatives, and this is a trip that Danny has spent months planning. But on the way to Colorado, a blizzard forces an emergency landing at an unfamiliar airport. The family is forced to spend Christmas in the baggage claim room, where everyone thinks Christmas is ruined this time around. Jesse’s father Nick tries to get Jesse to kiss Rebecca (who had been expecting to go to her home town of Nebraska to spend the holidays) under a mistletoe, and D.J. is upset when she discovers that the gifts the family brought along on the flight with them have somewhat gone missing. 

Jesse, becoming ever so frustrated by everyone’s sour attitudes, speaks to the people in the baggage claim room about the true meaning of Christmas (which is, in my mind, a really awesome thing, especially for a Christian like me).

What’s the matter with you people? The first Christmas was in a manger. They did okay. I mean, so what if we’re stuck in this crummy dump? Christmas isn’t about presents, or Santa Claus, or cows. It’s about a feeling. It’s about - It’s about people. It’s about us forgetting about our problems and reaching out to help other people. Christmas doesn’t have to happen in one certain place. It happens in our hearts. So if you think about it, we could have Christmas anywhere.

The next morning, the real Santa Claus shows up and shows the family where the missing gifts are.