Sunday, May 26, 2013

Full House: Our Very First Christmas Show

The family is on a flight to Colorado to spend Christmas with some relatives, and this is a trip that Danny has spent months planning. But on the way to Colorado, a blizzard forces an emergency landing at an unfamiliar airport. The family is forced to spend Christmas in the baggage claim room, where everyone thinks Christmas is ruined this time around. Jesse’s father Nick tries to get Jesse to kiss Rebecca (who had been expecting to go to her home town of Nebraska to spend the holidays) under a mistletoe, and D.J. is upset when she discovers that the gifts the family brought along on the flight with them have somewhat gone missing. 

Jesse, becoming ever so frustrated by everyone’s sour attitudes, speaks to the people in the baggage claim room about the true meaning of Christmas (which is, in my mind, a really awesome thing, especially for a Christian like me).

What’s the matter with you people? The first Christmas was in a manger. They did okay. I mean, so what if we’re stuck in this crummy dump? Christmas isn’t about presents, or Santa Claus, or cows. It’s about a feeling. It’s about - It’s about people. It’s about us forgetting about our problems and reaching out to help other people. Christmas doesn’t have to happen in one certain place. It happens in our hearts. So if you think about it, we could have Christmas anywhere.

The next morning, the real Santa Claus shows up and shows the family where the missing gifts are.

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