Sunday, May 26, 2013

Full House: Yours, Mine and Ours

DJ: (thinking) Oh, I hope that my friends better not see me here with my family. If they do, I’ll never live it down.

Your face is turning bright red. You want to hide yourself in shame. You’ve just done something totally embarrassing (or maybe it’s your mom, dad or younger/older sibling who have done that), and it feels like everyone is staring at you and giggling. Maybe everyone is staring at you and giggling. Hey, it happens to everybody.

Let’s face it. Teens can be embarrassed by their parents. DJ Tanner experiences this in the Season 5 episode Yours, Mine and Ours when she’s in a pirate-themed restaurant with father Danny, his best friend Joey, and her sisters Stephanie and Michelle.

Danny arrives home from work, and notices that the girls are in a bad mood because they haven’t had a good day. Neither has Joey, who would rather forget that day’s “Ranger Joe” episode. Danny suggests that they take a little time off from this stress and go out as a family for what he refers to as “Tanner Family Fun Night”. Jesse and Rebecca stay at home with Nicky and Alex. Danny takes Joey and the girls to a pirate-themed seafood restaurant. When they get there, D.J. is afraid she’ll be embarrassed in front of her classmate Shelly Phillips, who is also at the restaurant, and Joey and the girls seem to get a little more bitter, but they finally lighten up and have fun when, because of not eating a thing, they are forced to “walk the plank” — right into a pit full of balls, that is.
Meanwhile, at home, Jesse and Rebecca are having a disagreement as to how Nicky and Alex should be raised, and complicating things is the fact that Alex is sick and has a fever for the first time in his life. Luckily, however, they talk things out and apologize to each other after working together to help Alex get better.

This is a really neat episode, as well as very inspiring, too. I like it, mostly because being embarrassed is one of the themes of the episode. And embarrassment is very realistic, as it is found quite often in real life.

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